Looksmaxxing Tips: How To Get Rid of Bags Under the Eyes for Men

Attractive man (model) with text that reads 'Filler For The Fellas: How To Get Rid of Bags Under the Eyes for Men'

As more and more men embrace the idea of investing in their appearance, or “looksmaxxing,” cosmetic procedures such as under eye filler for men are on the rise. Like women, guys don’t have to settle for looking tired, worn out, or older than they feel. Our signature approach to under eye filler at MFI has been a hit with men who are ready to ditch dark circles and banish bags.

Looksmaxxing definition: The improvement of a man's facial features or other physical traits in order to look more attractive and feel more confident

Under Eye Filler for Men Before and After

Before & After contouring for Under Eye Filler for Men face shape
Before & After contouring for Under Eye Filler for Men face shape
Before & After contouring for Under Eye Filler for Men face shape
Before & After contouring for Under Eye Filler for Men face shape
Before & After contouring for Under Eye Filler for Men face shape

Understanding Under Eye Filler for Men

As men age, bags, dark circles under eyes, and hollow tear troughs are usually accompanied by deepening nasolabial folds. This is due to volume loss, primarily in the midface. The bags and hollows under your eyes can become even more prominent when the area beneath them sinks in. Fillers help replace lost volume and add structure to the entire midface. This smooths nasolabial folds, supports the under eye area, and creates a foundation on top of which we can layer under eye filler.

midface collapse and formation of under eye circles and bags

Ready for another eye-opening fact? Even the toughest guys have delicate under eye skin. Because the skin under the eyes is so thin, our injectors use silky smooth fillers that contain hyaluronic acid to balance gentle sculpting of the under eyes with firm support in the midface.

While we always take a customized approach, our under eye treatments for men typically feature these go-to fillers:

We may also recommend UPNEEQ®, a prescription eye drop, to give your eyes an extra wake-up call when combined with dermal fillers.

Under Eye Filler for Men Before and After Case Studies

Seeing is believing! Check out these next-level transformations featuring some of our refreshed and highly satisfied male under eye filler patients:

before and after under eye filler for men in San Francisco at Mabrie Facial Institute
Before & After

This gentleman chose to energize his appearance with Midface Rejuvenation, including Restylane, to eliminate puffiness and help smooth and contour his under eyes…and we delivered on his vision!

before and after under eye filler for men in San Francisco at Mabrie Facial Institute
Before & After

This patient in his 50s wanted to address dark circles and shadows and revitalize his eye area. We helped him achieve the more youthful look he was after by layering JUVÉDERM VOLUMA and Restylane to treat the midface, cheeks, and under eyes.

before and after under eye filler for men in San Francisco at Mabrie Facial Institute
Before & After

This professional in his early 30s hoped to awaken prematurely tired-looking eyes while achieving more athletic facial contours. We got the job done with our exclusive Under Eye/Midface Rejuvenation package of 3 treatments over 4 months. See the difference?

You can find even more WOW-worthy under eye filler before and after results in our photo gallery.

What Is Complete Under Eye Filler/Midface Rejuvenation?

At MFI, we’re all about raising the bar to provide the artistry and results you deserve, and our approach to under eye fillers is no exception. Instead of using isolated injections, which can make the under eye area look worse, we address the cheeks, midface, and tear troughs together for comprehensive and naturally transformative results.

Guys, what does all this mean for you? You’re in very capable hands! That’s because our Injectors consider everything when fully customizing your under eye filler treatment. They assess your facial anatomy, skin condition and laxity, volume loss, and other factors. Of course, your aesthetic vision and goals are also paramount.

Targeted Under Eye Filler

Although about 90% of the men we see benefit from complete under eye rejuvenation, some patients with minimal symptoms may only require a mini under eye procedure. This approach may be ideal for men who have minimal midface and under eye volume loss and don’t wish to address their cheeks. For these guys, we offer a more limited, single-appointment under-eye procedure which uses less filler and comes at a lower cost.

You can watch this quick video to learn more about how we perform Under Eye/Midface Rejuvenation to help men and women erase dark circles and bags under eyes:

Midface Rejuvenation

Why Are Men Getting Under Eye Fillers?

Let’s face it: We’re a society that values looking young, fierce, and fit! With masks coming off and societal taboos about men and self-care finally being lifted, guys are embracing the benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers to look and feel their absolute best. Digital platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Zoom are also to thank for changing our aesthetic views and standards. And, for better or worse, digital influences (and social media influencers) are putting us all “out there” and on display, giving us more reasons than ever to invest in our appearance with cosmetic procedures like under eye rejuvenation.

Here are more reasons why dermal filler for men is on the rise:

  • Increases self-confidence—both socially and professionally
  • Makes a better first (and lasting) impression—you look less haggard and more energetic
  • Restores facial volume—improves overall facial aesthetics and helps you appear more healthy and fit
  • Smooths wrinkles and lines—gives you a more youthful, rejuvenated look

Don’t Be Fooled: Under Eye Filler Misconceptions & Concerns

It’s natural to have questions and concerns if you’re considering any type of cosmetic treatment, including under eye fillers for men. Remember, we’re always available to provide you with answers and resources. To remove any mystery or misperceptions about such a safe and popular treatment, here are answers to some of our most asked questions men (and women!) have about under eye fillers:

Is under eye filler painful?

No. Most fillers contain topical lidocaine to automatically numb the under eye area as it’s being treated. We even offer you nitrous oxide if you’re feeling extra anxious. In general, your under eye treatment should be quick, relatively painless, and well-tolerated from start to finish. You got this.

How safe is under eye filler?

You can lay back, relax, and feel confident when you are under the care of our experienced, qualified team of Injectors. We prioritize your safety and use only the best FDA-approved under eye filler products and brands. Plus, dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring chemical that is metabolized by your body, so there is virtually no risk of allergic reaction.

Will I have to worry about side effects or downtime?

You’re busy; we get it. The good news is, under eye filler treatments usually require little to no downtime, aside from minor swelling and bruising, and side effects typically subside within 2 to 5 days. That said, following our under-eye dermal filler aftercare protocol is essential for optimal healing and results.

Will my filler results look fake?

Not when your face is in our hands! Our Injectors use their artistry and know-how over the course of two or more appointments to get it right. We start with adding structure and support to the midface. Then 1 to 3 months later, once all swelling has disappeared, we layer filler under the eyes and in any areas that need a little refining.

Planning for Your Under Eye Filler Treatment

Our goal is to provide an amazing experience and put patients at ease about every aspect of their cosmetic procedure. This starts with your under eye consultation, where most men quickly determine we’re the perfect match for their treatment. After exploring your needs and answering your questions, we map out a customized under eye filler treatment plan to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Here’s a general overview of what you can expect during the different stages of your under eye treatment:

  • At your consultation, we’ll take detailed photos of your under eyes from all angles to help pinpoint your concerns, tailor your treatment, and monitor your progress.
  • You will undergo a minimum of 2 under eye treatments to build and layer results that look natural and “just right.”
  • Some initial swelling and bruising are normal for 2 to 5 days following each treatment, but you can return to work and resume most activities immediately.
  • Depending on the fillers we use, your results can last 6 to 18 months or longer. Keep it fresh by visiting us every 9 to 12 months for touch-ups.
Before and after 3 under eye filler treatments at MFI in san francisco

Are Under Eye Fillers Worth Your Time & Money?

The popular medical review site RealSelf gives dermal fillers a 90% “worth it” rating, and our patients rave about the ROI they receive from their filler treatments. Let’s recap why under eye fillers can be particularly beneficial for busy, active guys like YOU:

  • It’s a safe, convenient, and minimally invasive treatment—no stitches required.
  • Treatments can be highly customized to achieve your aesthetic goals.
  • Results are subtle, natural, and long-lasting.
  • Side effects are minimal, plus there’s little to no downtime.
  • Fillers contain naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, which stimulates collagen production to further rejuvenate and strengthen the skin.
  • It’s a less invasive alternative to eyelid surgery that requires less downtime—so you save time and money.
  • You can stay fresh-faced indefinitely if you visit us for regular treatments.
  • Adding volume and contours to aging skin amps up your appearance and self-confidence!

The Takeaway On Under Eye Fillers for Fellas

Guys, you’ve learned how under eye fillers can help you look more vibrant, fit, and refreshed. And you’ve seen the evidence by viewing our under eye filler before and after photos featuring male patients thrilled with their transformations. Are you ready to take the next step toward looking younger and feeling better by exploring your facial rejuvenation options?

Our Injectors can’t wait to help you get started! It’s easy—just request a consultation online with one of our Mabrie Facial Institute specialists, or give us a call at (415) 445-9513 to schedule an appointment. In no time, you’ll take your appearance and confidence to the next level!

The MFI Advantage

MFI focuses exclusively on injectables, and has set the bar in the art and science of fillers for more than 15 years. Dr. Mabrie, trained as a facial plastic surgeon, has dedicated thousands of hours to carefully selecting and training our talented Injectors in the most innovative, effective, and safe techniques for injectables. There is no other practice in the Bay Area with the level of experience, education, and passion for injectables you'll find at MFI.

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